David was out of town for two weeks ending Sunday the 18th. He spent only a few days at home before heading back to El Dorado. We're having friends in from the Dallas area over the weekend. While we are making new friends here in the Houston area it's always such a treat to see friends from college. David will (HOPEFULLY!) be back in town on Saturday night. I have an exam first thing tomorrow morning then I'm going grocery shopping and doing some house cleaning. Our friends should arrive late eveningish. We're having new friends from our church come by on Sunday after church. We're going to hang out and play games. We've been trying to get together with them for a few weeks but David has been out of town so much it's been impossible. It will be fun to have our old friends get to know our new friends. They've actually only been attending the church about a month so we're still getting to know them! I'm taking a Philosophy course. It's a three week killer. Cram 16 weeks of information into three weeks. Class every day for three hours.Three hours of lecture is enough to put anyone to sleep let alone me, someone who's not really interested in "thought experiments" and is much more comfortable with facts and numbers and other things that have clear, concise answers. Most of Philosophy is left up to personal interpretation: the instructors in this case. Anyway, I wrap it up on the 30th (Thankfully!) and move on to Accounting. Something I think I'll enjoy quite a bit more. David is forever telling me that "especially for a girl" I think in an extremely logical fashion. Wow, if it's true. I've gotten used to making "A"s in school. Philosophy may well be a "B". It's going to irritate me if my first "B" since '04 is in a Junior college Philosophy course!!
Anyway I've been busy, busy but I thought I'd write a quick update.
Sun Transits 8th House
8 months ago
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