

I had four exams today. I have completed 3 thus far and have the fourth one in just a couple of hours. A few of you know I have been really struggling in my Business Analysis course. I have been making A's in my courses of late and was shocked to make a 40 on my first quiz in that class. After meeting with the Prof and re-directing study habits and asking for prayer from everyone I know, I took the first exam this morning.

Over the last week or so I have been doing problems over and over and over and over and over and praying for clarity of mind while taking the exam. (This is the first math course that I have taken that was multiple choice and on a scan tron rather than just taking exams on the paper provided and not having four answers staring at me.)

God answered prayer - I made a 70 on the second quiz I took last week. He further answered (favorably no less!!!) as I've just found out my grade on our first exam was an 86. THANK GOD. Just a few days ago I was talking about dropping the class but for the fact that I would only get 25% of our money back... and only on tuition, not the books or fees.

A few short months ago, had I made that same 86 on an exam, I would have been upset with myself and frustrated with not having made an "A". Amazing how one failing grade of 40 makes my grade of 86 look so beautiful.

1 comment:

sarah said...

We all need some perspective now and again. :-)
Congrats on your 86!