
Outside In

Our apartment complex gave us notice. Not that kind of notice, David's been paying the rent. :)

They are power-washing and then painting the building(s). All of them, but mine is the one that will be most bothersome. We had to remove everything, including plants, from our patios. Hum.

Two days of Goodwill, Dollar Store and Big Lots scouring and I had a few dollars worth of plastic tubs and a plan. Oh and a husband that cut one of my 4 foot planters in 1/2. I'm sure our downstairs neighbors love us. Between the saw, dirt, water, oh, and the music from the 80's, and my favorite, worship music... Well perhaps that's why they play a single, some what vulgar song over, and over, and over for hours. Nothing a little Hillsong or Christmas music can't neutralize.

Just when I start to get things really organized in the apartment - all plants on deck: relocate inside.

Another reason to be happy I have been meticulous in my care of the plants. Nothing harsh, no chemicals and soil that is sourced and all ingredients organic and known. It should only be a week. Let's hope the crew hustles so I can get these guys back out into the sunshine.

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