David opened the pickles about 2 weeks ago. They were pretty delicious. He used them on his bagel, roast beef sandwiches. I just ate them out of the jar. I picked the last of my cucumbers today and following the same procedure I made pickles again today. I used 1/2 white wine and 1/2 ACV this time. The ACV was quite strong in the previous batch. It wasn't bad but I wanted to see if it could be better. We haven't found a white vinegar we can both have so I chose white wine. A cousin of sorts to vinegar.
Cucumbers to pickles
I picked few cucumbers over the last couple of days. We've been reading about pickle making quite a bit. Especially Hubs. He's been all into canning which is cool. I see homemade jelly in my future. He's already made pectin (from green apples he picked at my brothers!) so we just have to go berry picking.
He's at work but I figured I'd give it a go.
I found a recipe on-line. Adapted it and went to work. I like small batches in case it's gross. Throwing away food is one of the things I avoid at all cost. Good planning should mean one never throws away food, but that's another post.
I guess we'll see in a week or so if they are any good.
Outside In
Our apartment complex gave us notice. Not that kind of notice, David's been paying the rent. :)
They are power-washing and then painting the building(s). All of them, but mine is the one that will be most bothersome. We had to remove everything, including plants, from our patios. Hum.
Two days of Goodwill, Dollar Store and Big Lots scouring and I had a few dollars worth of plastic tubs and a plan. Oh and a husband that cut one of my 4 foot planters in 1/2. I'm sure our downstairs neighbors love us. Between the saw, dirt, water, oh, and the music from the 80's, and my favorite, worship music... Well perhaps that's why they play a single, some what vulgar song over, and over, and over for hours. Nothing a little Hillsong or Christmas music can't neutralize.
Just when I start to get things really organized in the apartment - all plants on deck: relocate inside.
Another reason to be happy I have been meticulous in my care of the plants. Nothing harsh, no chemicals and soil that is sourced and all ingredients organic and known. It should only be a week. Let's hope the crew hustles so I can get these guys back out into the sunshine.
Casseroles make me gag.
Not side dish casseroles, such as green bean casserole or sweet potato casserole but one dish meal casseroles. I have yet to taste one, or make one, that was something other than all mushy and single flavored. Casseroles are supposed to be comfort food, I think. Although I'm not sure. Gagging isn't comforting, or comfortable. I keep trying exotic things like traditional shepherds pie which uses lamb rather than beef, but to no avail. And since I'm an adult and get to choose what I eat I'm done with casseroles.
Whole Foods blog did an entire post on them. Thinking about making one still makes me gag. Usually Whole Foods recipe ideas are mouth watering and inspiring.
Comfort food for me is a perfectly roasted chicken with gravy and mashed potatoes and some kind of steamed vegetable like carrots.
Home-made meatballs and spaghetti with lots of marinara and Parmesan cheese is also comfort food. Especially if there are green beans. Usually I serve that as a one dish meal. As in everything we eat on s'ketti night goes into a single bowl - green beans on top. Does that count as casserole? Yea, I didn't think so.
Growing up we'd beg mom to make mac'n'cheese with hot dogs in it. I understand now why we didn't get it much. It's gross. Kraft mac'n'cheese with that powdered cheese mix, and miscellaneous meat squished into a casing.
Funny, we still like macaroni and cheese but it's the home made kind. Melting butter, and adding rice or quinoa flour. Milk. Freshly grated cheese. Salt, pepper. Melts down into this velvety deliciousness that is fabulous on macaroni or a split baked potato.
Yum. I love food. I know we have food allergies. Some people pity us. Really, envy us. We are forced to eat high quality, delicious homemade food at every meal.
Today I took my third final in less than 12 weeks. Thankfully I waded through 3 science courses, 3.5 weeks each and came out the other side with three "A's" on record.
Now for applications. My top choice is OHSU in Portland. They have an accelerated BSN program for students who already have a Bachelors degree. I realized yesterday as I was pulling together my transcripts that I have been accepted to every college I've ever applied to. By the Grace of God this will continue. The accelerated BSN program is the only one in this area that doesn't require the bulk of prerequisites to be done in the last 5 years. I don't have a back up plan, although I'm looking for one in the form of a job.
We shall see.
The program is fiercely competitive. It would help if I were bi-lingual. Too late for that. Application period opened on the 1st and closes in 3 months.
Playing catch-up
This doesn't happen in my house for the record. In nearly 8 years of marriage I have never done this. But it's evidence of my week. Over the weekend we ran up to Seattle. My grandparents, Aunt and parents were up there visiting my brothers, sis (in-law) and niece. Nothing like the first (and only) great-grand to draw the East Coast to the West Coast...
Apartment Pictures
living room |
dining.kitchen |
2nd bedroom |
Apartment Gardening
Seedlings |
front porch plants |
Back porch |
lettuce |
tomato |
Everything is growing so well. Each time I transplant something I expect plant deaths but thus far everything just thrives! I can't wait until we are picking cucumber especially. The organic ones here are quite expensive.