
Sarah Palin

How about McCains' running mate? Sarah Palin, Alaskan Governor. What a great choice. She is extremely strong in the areas of importance where McCain is weak. Palin has not only voted to support a Pro-Life platform, she has lived pro-life.

In April of this year, she gave birth to her fifth child, Trig, despite having been told that he had Downs Syndrome about four months into her pregnancy and the recommendation that she "terminate" her pregnancy.

Track, her eldest, joined the military on September 11, 2007 and is being deployed to Iraq so she's personally invested in this sensitive situation.

Bristol, her 17 year old daughter, has strayed from her mothers teachings and is being waved as an example of Sarahs' inability to lead. I ask those of you, in particular who are Believers, how many of you have made knowingly made decisions that were wrong? Especially at the age of 17. Not only did I do things at that age that I knew my parents and my Saviour would be ashamed of, I still do. Perhaps we've not made the same mistakes as Bristol, perhaps the evidence/result/consequence of our poor choices won't be carried with us in full view of the Nation for the rest of our lives, but it's there, plain as day, for our Redeemer to see. And He's forgiven us just as He's forgiven Bristol. Furthermore, she and her family have made the decision to keep Bristol's baby and raise him or her up in a household of love. Further proof of this families dedication to life.

I have noticed that many people are making comments about how Palin should be staying at home with her children. I think that decision is something to be left to the Governor, her husband and her God. I think that God can use people in positions of authority and responsibility in mighty ways and far be it from me to tell a person where they should be in life. Stay at home motherhood isn't for everyone and mothers who do work out side of the home, can be just as effective as mothers who choose to stay home.

Before a person blows off this election and simply "hopes" for the right candidate to win, I would encourage them to take responsibility for the election. By educating themselves and by voting based on the facts of each ticket. It's not about Republican or Democrat, it's about leadership for this amazing country that we have been blessed to live in. Obama is the most liberal Senator in the Senate. His voting record is public and can be viewed by clicking here. If one takes the time to review his voting record, one would notice that he has voted in favor of larger government with fewer budget constraints consistently. Obama also takes pride in his "woman's choice" stance. Translation: killing babies is perfectly acceptable when they are in-utero. Furthermore, while Obama chose a running mate who simply mirrors his own beliefs, values and voting record, McCain has chosen a woman who differs from him in opinion, education and family background.

I could type page after page on this issue but I can't force people to step away from apathy and into action. I can only use my blog to encourage people to make informed choices. Please people, make informed choices. Search beyond the news and the hype and seek education for yourself. Don't rely on CNN and CBS and FOX and whatever other TV channels are out there (we don't have a TV so we aren't up on the news shows) to sort things for you. Seek out the answers to the questions on issues that are important to you. For those of you in Texas, early voting is October 20-31st. Never voted? Click here and search by your home state to find a place where you can cast your vote.
(Image from: elections.co.hays.tx.us/images/animated_vote.gif)

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