I'm "IT"
We were "tagged" by my super creative, first time mommy cousin who writes a fantastic blog about all things new baby and family. I have recommended her blog to many new mommies because she writes so openly about things such as breastfeeding and cloth diapering - two things that are wonderful for Baby but not very common in our generation. She also does reviews and GIVEAWAYS for fantastic mom & baby products.
Thankfully this is a short questionnaire and it was fun to read Julie's ....
1. What book did you last finish and did you like it? (great question, have to steal it)
First a disclaimer: since graduating in May I have been reading "potato chip books". Books that are easy to read, with out a lot of substance and that don't require a lot of brain power. After spending a crazy non-stop 18 months digesting Accounting, Economic, Business Law & other text books I've been reading miscellaneous books by random authors chosen by *gasp* the covers! The last book I read was "Moose: A Memoir of Fat Camp". I chose it for the chubby little girl in a floaty. I thought it was a brave cover and title. And yes, I liked it. Stephanie Klein writes honestly about her struggle as a chubby kid and her battle as an adult to stay fit. She writes about how tacky it is when her thin friends (or even thinner than her friends) go on about how "fat" they look or feel. It's funny, creative and even eye opening.
2. What is your go-to meal to make for your family (you know, the favorite, easiest, etc).
My husband has a corn allergy so we have to make all of our food from scratch all of the time. Pizza is a quick, easy meal for us. I have a quick rise crust and we can get a pizza in the oven in less than 20 mins when we work together on it.
3. What do you do on weekends, generally?
We LOVE weekends! When the weather is nice we like to camp and spend time out doors. We also spend a ridiculous amount of time working on our house. Sundays are usually spent at church and then dinner/lunch with friends.
4. What is your favorite website to visit, read, have fun on?
I play Scrabble online at Pogo.com for fun occasionally but I love to read http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/. Nie is a woman who suffered severe burns to 80% of her body and writes about the struggles and pain of recovery and the joys and love of her 4 children & husband.
5. Do you do crafts or have a hobby? Tell us about it!
I used to have crafts and hobbies prior to my goofy education but I haven't picked anything back up.
6. What is your favorite thing to write on your blog?
(Do you have a theme day, favorite post to share, favorite topic?)
I just write about life. I'm not a blogger extraordinaire as are many others! I don't do themes or give a ways or anything else super fun. On our allergy blog I like to connect with other people who deal with allergies that are life altering. Favorite topic? Life.
7. What do you do to de-stress?
I like to read blogs, play on line scrabble, read and work out.
8. Tell your readers something about yourself that we might be surprised to know!
Surprised to know? Probably not much since I blog about just about everything and I can't think of anything right now! Plus my "readers" are my grandma (#1 reader!) and other family and possibly a few friends here and there leaving even fewer secrets....
SO HERE'S THE HARD PART. Tagging other bloggers.... Is there a specific number I'm supposed to do?? I think since it took me more than a month to complete the questionnaire and my husband just got home and it's date night I'll just skip this part.... or possibly do it later.
Sun Transits 8th House
8 months ago
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