Time Passes More Quickly When Working Full Time............
Training *finally* ended at work and we've been dealing with the client now for a month. My primary job is to help people who have lost family wrap up benefit affairs. Health insurance, pay checks, life insurance and other benefits that they might have through our client. That said I was trained in every area of how we serve our client. Thus I get to help with inbound calls as well. My case load is heavy for survivors but we are swamped as this is a new client and there are always "issues" when transitioning. It's been......... a lot of work. I'm trying not to work over time but still billing at least 8 hours of overtime a week. Hopefully this will slow down soon.
David's going to KS soon to visit with family and then I'm going to Seattle (YEA!) to witness the wedding of my baby brother. Wow. Can't believe the little squirt is getting hitched. Since we took two weeks to go to the Grand Canyon and back David's staying home this trip. And since the time off I need for my brothers wedding is so close to when David travels to KS I'm staying home from that trip. I must say I am really looking forward to the trip to Seattle to get a break from the oppressive heat here. Poor David is going to get much of the same weather in KS that we've had here.....
On the weekends I've been doing house cleaning and baking so we have a pile of goodies and "frozen dinners" stocked up for the weeks lunches and maybe a mid-week dinner. Lately I've been plowing through the "stuff" we've accumulated over the years. I kind of miss having everything we own fit into two trucks and a small trailer including a motorcycle. Not so much anymore....
I'm not very sentimental but there are a few things over the years we've received that I would like to keep. I tried the scrap booking thing while we were living in LA and I had hours of time on my hands. It was pretty fun for that season of life but I'm not the scrap booking type. So what does one do with piles of cards from a wedding and bridal shower?? I really didn't want to just recycle them as we received cards from so many well wishers, some of whom have passed since our wedding. I also have piles of cards and letters David and I wrote over the years of our friendship, the few months of dating and engagement and then as he traveled for work during the early years of marriage. It was fun to go through them and see how we've changed and the relationship has *gasp* matured. (We haven't matured much but the relationship has - haha.) My solution was to "white trash" scrap book these memories. Yes sir I grabbed my heavy duty three hole punch from my education days and a few used binders from that same season and drilled holes in it all putting the "relationship" cards/letters/notes and so on into one large binder and all of the shower/wedding/well wishes cards into another. And I like it. I can go through them and have the memories out rather than in a dusty container. I can go through the cards and letters David and I mailed through the years (and I was surprised to discover that we sent close to equal amounts in volume... something I didn't expect at all - I really thought I would have sent more David's way. Plus, he sent things like flowers and CD's that can't be three hole punched and added to our binder.......). We've known each other 12 years now, nearly half of my life.
I've also been trashing all the crazy things I kept from school. Notes, papers, exams and junk I'll never look at again. I know because I don't look at what I had from 10 years ago. Into the recycle that goes. I read some where that keeping syllabi is a good idea if you consider going back to school...... I kept those, I suspect I'll be back at education again some day.
We're finally getting into a good routine with me back to work full time. I've not worked full time since 10.31.2008 so finding a pattern to the weeks has been interesting. David's been cooking about half the time and even made some pretty delicious brownies a few days ago when I had a craving......... It's fun when he tries new things in the kitchen. So far, so good too.
The dogs are also getting used to being alone again. Scratch chooses to stay in the house (and is most often shooed off the sofa when we get home) and Sunny, despite the heat, chooses to stay outside. She's ready for bed when the sun sets though and gets anxious if she doesn't get dinner before sundown. Likes a routine like her Momma for sure.
And there it is. 4 months of life - in but the blink of an eye. Making every minute count.
Sun Transits 8th House
8 months ago
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